Client config

The client config is located at /etc/blade3/client_config.rb

Default config

class ClientConfig
  # Return ports to forward, and their remote mapping
  def get_ports()
    return [
        client_port: 8000,
        remote_port: 8090
        client_port: 25565,
        remote_port: 25568

  # Get the client remote server address
  def get_remote_address()
    return "" # CHANGE THIS!!!

  # Get the cleint remote server port
  def get_remote_port()
    return 9743

Changing the remote server address

By default the remote server address is, you need to change this, otherwise the remote server is going to be your local machine. Change the value in quotations marks to the remote server’s public IP address

Forwarding ports

The get_ports function returns a list of ruby Hashs, in order to add a new port we can add a new Hash instance to the returned array. See below for an example

  def get_ports()
    return [
        client_port: 8000,
        remote_port: 8090
        client_port: 25565,
        remote_port: 25568
      # !!! New text begins here !!!
        client_port: 8080 # The port of the service on the local machine
        remote_port: 8090 # The port of the service on the remote machine
      # !!! New text ends here !!!